Marketing Institute of Singapore

Marketing Institute of Singapore (MIS)

Demonstration of industry leadership

The Marketing Institute of Singapore Academy (MISA) plays a leading role in providing training, learning, and development solutions to professionals and corporations in Singapore and around the region.

As the training arm of the National body for Sales and Marketing, Marketing Institute of Singapore (MIS), MISA regularly taps on the local and regional expertise, resources, and network provided by MIS.

One of our recent networking events included a 27-day lunchtime webinar series during Circuit Breaker where professionals in the fields of leadership, management, and other executive skills were invited to share their insights.

Provision of innovative product & service offering

MISA brings a team of accredited and highly experienced trainers who bring a powerful combination of management experience, practitioner knowledge & industry know-how. Courses offered cover a sweeping range of executive development such as Personal Leadership, Team building, Innovative Thinking, and other vital aspects that contribute to the corporate environment.

Beyond standard course offerings, MISA also offers tailored in-house courses to cater to different industries and companies. We work closely with top management to better understand current trends to ensure quality courses that best suit today’s market needs.

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