2022-Ngee Ann CET Academy

Ngee Ann CET Academy

Established in 1985, the Continuing Education & Training (CET) Academy is the driving force behind Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s efforts to offer adult education and training.

Our mission to help adult learners navigate the ever-changing world through skills-upgrading and reskilling has enabled more than 180,000 working adults gain new skills, stay relevant and remain employable in today’s global economy.

With the strong commitment toward talent development for the future of work, we also aim to partner with businesses and organisations in curating solutions that address their training needs, equipping the industry with skills relevant to the future economy, and enhancing workforce efficiency with better work practices.

Visit cet.np.edu.sg

Demonstration of Industry Leadership

NP designed effective learning and development roadmaps for companies wanting to upskill their staff in data analytics (DA) by listening empathetically and adopting a human-centered approach. NP was among the first local institutions to employ profiling assessments and recognition of prior learning in its Data School program to channel managers and team leaders either onto the programmer’s or analyst’s specialisation track, and be exempted from modules within the track depending on their performance at the assessments. The Data Analytics Kickstarter or DAK program was then developed to provide rank-and-file staff with foundational level skills in DA and an articulation pathway paved for motivated staff wanting to progress onto specialist diplomas by receiving module exemptions [thereby fulfilling their career progression aspirations.

Provision of Innovation Product & Service Offerings

The programs were conducted online with materials accessible on the learning management system. Special attention was paid to scheduling by engaging in early discussions with companies on their needs. This required flexibility in resource planning and staying nimble and responsive to changes on the ground. Modeled after Learning as a service (LaaS), aggregate cohort statistics were compiled and provided to companies so that the HR teams were quickly able to generate status updates for senior management reporting. The company’s ROI on L&D spending was further boosted after NP organised a 2-day hackathon for DAK learners to apply their newly acquired skills to real workplace business challenges and present solutions to their own leadership teams. Solutions were subsequently implemented towards transformation.

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