2022-Deep Impact

Deep Impact

Deep Impact provides leadership training programs and solutions to help organisations build high-performance teams across 40 countries.

We help clients imagine the possibilities of how their leaders should be and develop competencies for it.

Established in 2007, we have provided solutions that deliver real results. We understand that clients don’t just want programs, they also want measurable results. We help clients achieve their goals through consulting, training and executive coaching in both, online and offline deliveries.

Our programs are created to ensure that training is not one-off but conducted in a holistic approach to ensure application and development of new leadership competencies.

Government agencies and Multi-National Companies who have engaged us, say that we have created a sustainable, transformational, and long-lasting impact on their goals.

Website: deepimpactonline.com

Demonstration of Industry Leadership

Our book and signature leadership training program called “Small Steps To Big Changes” (SSTBC) have trained participants from 40 countries around the world. We have the expertise to scale globally and develop observable leadership behavioural change.

We are one of the few organisations to run our own unique program for Singapore’s Civil Service College and partner with them to intervene in leadership challenges.

Organisations have embraced SSTBC wholeheartedly and even ran it for their senior leaders to middle managers so that they can develop a common leadership language. Our provocative thought leadership ideas are constantly shared in HR Conferences and internal company conferences.

Provision of Innovation Product & Service Offerings

We work with large organisations and government agencies to create solution focused conversations that addresses real leadership challenges: to shift others from problem thinking to solution thinking, hold optimistic conversations that lead change ground up and create business agility and momentum.

We deploy our proprietary 5Ds consulting model to work with senior leaders to identify real business challenges and desired leadership behaviours. Translate them into measurable outcomes and enroll leadership commitment. We deliver an immersive experience and follow up with participants over a three-month period to develop new behaviours, accountability and present results to a senior leader.

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